The Creation of Heaven and Earth
Original Hebrew Masoretic Text
Translation to English by Robert T. Koehler
of Spirit of Jesus Ministries
1 First, Elohim created the shamayim and the earth. 2 The earth was chaotic and empty, and darkness was above the surface of the abyss. The Spirit of Elohim hovered over the surface of the water. 6 Elohim said, “Let the raqiya appear in the midst of the water. Let the water be divided from the water.” 7 Elohim made the raqiya and divided the waters which were under the raqiya from the waters which were above the raqiya, it is true. 8 Elohim called the raqiya “shamayim”. Evening, morning – the second day.
Elohim = God shamayim = heaven raqiya = “firmament” or “expanse”
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